Devin Brown

Devin Brown


Devin has been an active member of our legal community since moving to Bakersfield in 2007. He is a graduate of Santa Clara University School of Law (2006) and the University of Washington (Political Science, 2002). After a brief post-graduate fellowship with the United States Department of Air Force, Devin joined the legal team of the Kern County Counsel’s Office. As a Deputy County Counsel, he developed a legal expertise in the field of public sector labor and employment law. In 2014, Devin was appointed as the Chief Human Resources Officer for the County of Kern and serves as the County’s lead labor negotiator.

Devin is joined by his co-counsel in life Melissa Brown and their sweet children Olivia, Dylan, and Owen.

Devin has served the KCBA as a past president of the Young Lawyers Section and has participated on the Res Ipsa Loquitur editorial committee. Devin has been a Director since 2021.